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Mean while, our newly formed (Oct 2022) FEED MY LAMBS KENYA, has taken off like a rocket.

          House Feed my Lambs

After doing ministry in Southern Ireland last year, and talking about the Hiv, orphans of Kisumu and Kakamega, Kenya, we have not stopped.  Kieran and his wife Joy and Mother in Law, and two young children went out there, and loved it so much, they didn t want to come back.   We now we have acquired a building suitable to home our  orphans in Kenya we have feeding program and are educating 60 children.

Children with HIV virus in Kisumu......One of Mamas recieve food parcels
            for children

 Some one is kindly paying for their school fees for this year. Stephens, wife,mother, and 3 sisters are helping look after the children, as Pastor Stephen still goes out evangelising. He is a very good and loving Father to all these children.

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Pastor Joseph Lumumba, is keeping the food project going to another 27 children with HIV, down in the Kisumu ghetto. I was out there in October, and met all the Mammas and their little ones, it was so sad to hear their traumatic stories, of rape, and abuse, and rejection, and stigmas. But, Jesus intervened through us, and now we have truel made a very big difference by supporting them and giving them Jesus, and a True Father that they can trust, in Our Lord and Savior. Many have commit-ed their lives to Jesus and now they have a Bible Study, and many of them come to Pastor Josephs Church..
We are buying goats, and set up mini businesses for the ladies so they can have dignity and eventually be self sufficient, and move on, while we then help the next lot of Mammas need help up the ladder from dire poverty, and hopelessness.

Pastor Stephen Lukelle, is a Masimari Pastor/Evangelist in Maralal, Sumburu district, North Kenya.
He has taken in 4 little orphan girls, and is evangelizing the nomadic Masimari in the district. Pastor Stephen has planted 7 churches since we began the work, and he is such an humble man in his late 50s. Our support has changed his life, and level of abilities to be able to go out on his motorbike with his wife and preach The Gospel out to the uttermost regions of Northern Kenya.

Robyn will go out in April to visit Kisumu and Kakamega, as we set up the CBO S,  in Kenya, and register the Charity here.
Everything if funded by my sponsors,who are mainly my family and friends and church people.

Each Pastor received small allowance per month, but the Lord has blessed the seeds sown, and its already bringing in a great harvest.

Missionery Melanie Preaching

This is only a quick over veiw of this work that The Lord placed in to our hands, and it is very enjoyable. I am now taking people out for Mission experiences in Eastern Europe in March, and Albania in May, Scotland for Street Evangelisim  in Edinbugh in June and July, and We re taking my church youth out to Hungary for Mission training in August. Please keep us in your prayers for all these things, as we serve The Most High King. JESUS

Love in Christ Jesus
We have a facebook group

Mella Price FB, Rev, Missionary. Founder and Director of The Sunflower Trust, and Feed My Lambs